Doctl Cli - Digitalocean
Digitalocean also has a CLI to manage the "DOCTL" infrastructure, which works similarly to AWS CLI, this tool allows us to avoid using the web interface of this provider.
Install Binary Tools
The first thing I have to do is download and install the binary, this for the current version 1.54.0:
1$ cd ~
2$ wget
3$ tar xf ~/doctl-1.54.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
4$ sudo mv ~/doctl /usr/local/bin
Create Token API
Before using "doctl", you need to create a digitalocean API Token for your account, with read and write access from the Applications and API page in the control panel.
The token string is only shown once, so please copy and keep in a safe place.
Account Access with Token API and doctl
The Token API grants access to "doctl" for your digitalocean account. Pass the Token string when prompted, when executing the "doctl" command.
You can use multiple accounts, using different names, for this function the --context parameter allows it.
1$ doctl auth init --context <NOMBRE_CUENTA1>
2$ doctl auth init --context <NOMBRE_CUENTA2>
3$ doctl auth init --context <NOMBRE_CUENTA3>
All accounts can be listed with the following command:
1$ doctl auth list
To switch between the different existing accounts:
1$ doctl auth switch --context <NOMBRE_CUENTA_DISPONIBLE>
Examples of use
We can use "doctl" in different cases.
- Account verify
1$ doctl account get
- List Droplets
1$ doctl compute droplet list
- Create Droplet
1$ doctl compute droplet create --region sfo2 --image ubuntu-18-04-x64 --size s-1vcpu-1gb <NOMBRE_DROPLET>
- List Available Droplet Images
1$ doctl compute image list --public | grep -i 'debian'
- List Available Droplet Sizes
1$ doctl compute size list
- Format DOCTL Output
1$ doctl compute droplet list --format "ID,Name,PublicIPv4"
- Create a Droplet with more details
1$ doctl compute droplet create --region <REGION_CODE> \
2 --image <IMAGE_CODE> --size <SIZE_NAME> \
3 --enable-monitoring true --enable-private-networking true \
4 --tag-name <TAG> --ssh-keys <FINGERPRINT>
- Delete Droplet
1$ doctl compute droplet delete <ID_DROPLET>